Guardians ad Litem

The Children Law provides for the court to appoint individuals to safeguard the interests of children involved in court proceedings, primarily those that could lead to a care or supervision order. The guardian assists the court to make a decision in the best interest of the child, in particular by finding out the wishes of the child and independently assessing the case put forward by Department of Children and Family Services and by any parents or other parties. Relevant people have to be interviewed and reports prepared for the Court. The guardian will need to be able to give evidence in court to support the views they have formed.
Guardians are appointed from a panel and The Law Courts now invites applications for membership of the panel from those with wide knowledge and experience in child care or law. More details can be seen on the Noticeboard on the home page at

A briefing and familiarisation session will be held on Wednesday, March 21st 2018 from 4.30-6pm at the Main Court House. For further information, contact Application deadline is April 6, 2018.