What is the process relating to a Bill after it has been passed by the Legislative Assembly?
The Clerk of the Legislative Assembly sends to the Legislative Drafting Department, a copy of the Bill that has been passed by the Legislative Assembly, together with any amendments to the Bill that have been made by the Legislative Assembly.
The Legislative Drafting Department makes any necessary changes and sends bound copies of the Bill to the Clerk of the Legislative Assembly, for signing.
The Clerk of the Legislative Assembly returns the signed Bill to the Legislative Drafting Department and the Bill is then forwarded to the Attorney-General for his Legal Report.
The Attorney-General sends his signed Legal Report and the Bill to H. E. The Governor, for Assent.
The Governor signs the Bill (making it a Law) and sends the Law to the Clerk of Cabinet, for sealing.
The Governor sends the sealed Law to the Legislative Drafting Department, for publication in the Official Gazette.