Methods of Access

Information available under our publication scheme will usually be accessible through the methods described below.

Categories of information provides more details on the information available under the scheme, along with additional guidance on how the information within each category may be accessed.


Many of our documents are published electronically on our website and can be downloaded in PDF format. Where information is available online, a link within section 7: Categories of information will direct you to the relevant page or document.

If there is no link, or the link is broken, you can use our website’s “Search” facility. If you are still having trouble locating information listed under our scheme, please contact our Information Manager at 345-244-3817 or by email at


If information is listed in our publication scheme but is not published on the website, we may be able to send it to you by email. You can email our Information Manager at 345-244-3817 or by email at to request information. Please provide a telephone number so that we can call you to clarify details if necessary.


Documents listed in the publication scheme can also be requested by telephone. Please call our Information Manager at 345-244-3817.


All information listed in the publication scheme will usually be available in hard copy. Requests may be addressed to:

The Law Courts
Attention: Information Manager
Box 495, KY1-1106,
Grand Cayman, Cayman Islands

In your request, please provide your name and address, full details of the information or documents you would like to receive. You may also wish to provide a telephone number or email address so that we can call you to clarify details if necessary. For faster processing, please also include any applicable fee. (See section 4: Fees and charges for further details.)

Personal visits

In limited cases, you may be required to make an appointment to view information listed in the publication scheme. This will be clearly stated in section 7: Categories of information, and relevant contact details will be provided in that section.

Advice and assistance

If you experience any difficulty identifying the information you want to access, please contact our Information Manager at 345-244-3817 or by email at

The Law Courts will adhere to its obligations under section 10 of the FOI Law, and any requirements relating to disability or discrimination, when providing information in accordance with this publication scheme.

Information will be provided in the language in which it is held or in such other language that is legally required. Where The Law Courts are legally required to translate any information, it will do so.