Making a Request
We want to help you find the information you are interested in.
If you want to request information from The Law Courts you should initially look at the disclosure log to see if the information you seek has already been published.
If you wish to make a request for information then you should contact the Information Manager or submit a request on-line.
Requests must be in writing (letter, email or facsimile) and must include your name and an address (either postal or e-mail). Please be as specific as possible about the information you would like, as this will help us to respond promptly. Where possible, please include a contact telephone number so we can call to discuss your request if necessary.
We will respond to your request promptly. The Law requires public authorities to respond within 30 calendar days, allowing an extension of an additional 30 calendar days if needed. We will always acknowledge receipt of FOI requests made to the above address and we will let you know if we need to extend the deadline. For detailed advice on what sorts of information is exempt please see the FOI Unit website.
Fees associated with a Request for Information
There is no application fee and no fee for going to a public authority and looking at a record requested by FOI. However, a requestor may be required to pay copying or change of format fees. Details concerning costs and payment are contained in the FOI Regulations which are available on the FOI Unit website.