Information that may be Withheld
The Judicial Administration will generally NOT publish:
- information in draft form;
- information that is not held by the Judicial Administration, or which has been disposed of in accordance with a legally authorised disposal schedule;
- information that is not readily-available – for example: information that is contained in files that have been placed in archive storage, or is otherwise difficult to access;
- information which is exempt under the FOI Law, or otherwise protected from disclosure – for example: personal information; or commercially sensitive information. Records containing exempt matter will be published in a redacted form, whenever it is practical to do so, indicating which exemptions apply.
In maintaining this publication scheme, our aim is to be as open as possible.
However, there may be limited circumstances where information will be withheld from one of the categories of information listed in Categories of information.
Information will only be withheld where the FOI Law expressly permits it.
For example: where disclosure would breach the law of confidentiality, infringe personal privacy, harm the Judicial Administration’s (or another organisation’s) commercial interests, or endanger the protection of the environment.
Whenever information is withheld, we will inform you of this and explain why that information cannot be released. Even where information is withheld, it may be possible to provide a redacted copy, with the exempt matter edited out.
If you wish to complain about any information which has been withheld, please refer to Complaints.